



Apologies for the cliché and being wholly un-Harrow-History related, but Remembering Harrow really does need you.

It needs your memories, your stories, your pictures, saved newspaper clippings and those boxes full of things to one day take to the Antiques Roadshow (or car boot sale…)

If you’d like to be involved then please get in touch through the comments on this site or the details listed below:


Twitter: @harrowmemories

Even if you’re not 100% sure if you’d to be part of the project or only have some vague ideas then do still please get in touch.

Remembering Harrow wants to be an inclusive and diverse as possible and this stretches to all geographical areas of Harrow and any time frame or year (even yesterday is history!) Everything really is relevant and interesting.

So please, please do get in touch, we really do need you!

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